

 Doggy Daycare

Our doggy daycare is the perfect place for your pup to run wild and free while they are away from home. All dogs receive one-on-one attention from our staff giving them plenty of enrichment and exercise throughout the day. 

*Meet ‘N’ Greet required to join

what dogs should get from daycare

1.      Socialization

a.      Dogs don’t come preloaded with an understanding of how to socialize with other dogs

b.      Often unsocialized dogs will become fearful and reactive to other dogs. The later you start the more likely the dog is to develop a problem

c.      Dog parks have their place but lack trained, knowledgeable humans to help them learn the correct lessons and maintain a safe environment.  Sadly, many people don’t understand how dogs interact with each other so they are unable to effectively monitor their dogs interactions with other dogs.

d.      Socialization is an ongoing process.  Like us, isolation at any stage of life will cause mental and emotional problems

2.      Learn Social Cues

a.      Just like children, dogs learn best from their own kind

b.      Dogs use body language to communicate.  Like babies that are not exposed to language, dogs that are not exposed to other dogs never learn to communicate effectively.  Their language is acquired through trial and error.  They need lots of exposure time to learn.

c.      Dogs will try to engage and not understand another dogs refusal to engage.  Each needs to learn how to communicate their desires and how to read the other.  If either misunderstands you risk a fight.  This is where knowledgeable human help is required

3.      Exercise

a.      Without exercise dogs can be destructive and moody

b.      Dogs need both physical and mental exercise

c.      Most people don’t have the time or energy to provide for this need

Dogs in desperate need of Daycare

·         Puppies              

o   We provide supervised, curated exposure to dogs of all ages and temperaments so puppies can learn to appropriately respond to each dog

·         Adolescent Dogs

o   Teenage dogs need socialization as much as puppies

o   They need to try out their shenanigans and see how others respond to them.

·         High energy Breeds

o   Labs, pits, german shephards, dalmations, jack russels and so many more

o   These dogs have enough energy to destroy your house when left alone.  Even if prevented from destruction they are difficult to tire out after a long day at work

·         Working dogs

o   They need a job, this means mental and physical stimulation.

o   Working dogs are both high energy and extremely smart making for a challenging combo.  Daycare can give them a job.


 Techniques we use to create happy, healthy dogs

·         Training games- teach useful skills including how to appropriately accept a treat in a group setting

o   Sit

o   Down

o   Back- this is used to teach door manners as well as give space to people and other dogs

·         Naps- dogs naturally sleep 16-18 hours a day and need those rest periods to go back at the fun later

·         Walking in group settings both on and off leash

·         Treats and affection to reward

·         Walks on lead and short time outs to correct inappropriate behavior



  • Single Day

    Adult Dog - $25

    Puppy - $28 (under 12 months)

    Peak Dates - additional $6

  • 6-day pkg

    Adult Dog - $140

    Puppy - $160

  • 12-day pkg

    Adult Dog - $270

    Puppy - $300

  • 24-day pkg

    Adult Dog - $510

    Puppy - $570

  Or sign up for a membership!

  • Adult Dog Membership 12 months


  • Puppy Membership 6 months


    (Only for dogs under 12 months)

  Doggy Boarding

Give your dog a vacation of their own while you are away, with our dog boarding service! Feel comfortable leaving your fur baby with our loving, compassionate and experienced staff. With us your pup will receive the best one-on-one care, plenty of exercise, playtime and more!

*Meet ‘N’ Greet required prior to booking


  • Adult Dog

    additional dog $5 discount per night

    additional $10/night for upgraded suites

  • Puppy

    additional puppy $5 discount per night

    additional $10/night for upgraded suites

  • Peak dates

    Additional $7 charge for all dogs
    additional dog $5 discount per night

    additional $10/night for upgraded suites

  • Sunday pickup

    Additional $10/dog

    Only applies for pickups on Sunday

 Check out our enrichment ADD on!

*Our Enrichment add on is available for boarding and daycare clients

Bully stick ×1 daily - $2/day

Himalayan yak cheese - $8

Cow hoof - $4

Stuffed Kong Toy - $6 (included with upgraded suite)

Day school

This program is for pups of all ages who are ready to get out into the world and learn new social skills and basic manners! In this program your pup will not only get to be part of our daycare program and socialize with other pups but will also get 1-on-1 time with a trainer and learn skills like, sit, down, stay, leave it, kennel training and leash walking manners. Once your pup has basic foundations, we will go out to parks, pet friendly businesses, etc. to continue to elevate your pups’ social skills

*Meet ‘N’ Greet required to join

Benefits of day school

  • Your pup learns how to react to the world around it in a healthy way

  • Less stress on vet visits

  • Pleasant trips to the dog park

  • Creates and confident puppy

  • Helps your puppy be comfortable in new environments



*Reservation Required

Boarding school

In puppy training we will equip you with the tools to have a happy, stress free relationship with your new fur baby. Your puppy will come home with all the basics! Sit, down, stay, leave it and leash walking skills, using free-shaping methods and positive reinforcement!

*for dogs under 18 months

Schedule today

Call, Text or Email


Our Puppy Basics training is a two week board and train program. Your pup will stay at our facility and learn all the basics from our experienced, knowledgeable staff. At the end of two weeks your puppy will know sit, stay, down, leave it and have basic leash walking skills. Your pup will get to enjoy the fun of our daycare program where we ensure safe, engaging play by grouping your puppy with others that match their play style and energy level. They will play outdoors 7 times a day and receive one-on-one training sessions daily; as well as, one-on-one play and cuddle time with our staff.

We also teach a "place" command. ‘Place’ teaches your dog to use a cot as home base and allows you to answer the door, cook or anything else without your dog in the way. Similar to kennel training, ‘place’ has the added benefit of allowing your puppy to observe and feel included in the action while still having space reserved for just them.

Included in our program:

  • Sit, down, stay, leave it and place commands

  • Leash walking basics

  • Slip lead to take home

  • Place cot to take home

  • Chews for Enrichment

  • Clicker for continued training

  • Video and written instruction to continue training

  • 1 private lesson to make sure transition back into the home is going smoothly (optional)

Training Pricing

  • Two week, 1-on-1 puppy training - $1850

After training opportunities:

After your pup has been through our Puppy Basics program they are eligible for our Best Behavior program, our Best Behavior program is a continuation of Puppy Basics. This program will focus on getting your pup ready to show off their new skills in a public setting (pet friendly stores, events, family outings, etc…)

Ask about our best behavior program at drop off/pickup!

 Grooming + Bathing

Most dogs would rather skip bath time, but bathing plays an important role in the health of your dog’s coat and skin, helping to keep your smelling nice while also free of dirt and parasites. By ensuring that your pet’s coat and skin stays healthy, you are reducing the allergens that would otherwise be released into the air of your home.

Schedule today

Call, Text or Email



Stand alone services

Bath package: $45 - $65+

● Bath, Blowdry, Nails, Teeth, Ears

Nail Trim: $13

Add on services

Haircut: $20 - $40+

Deshed: $20+

Nose Balm: $3

Paw Balm: $5

Pawlish: $10

Pawdicure: $15

Anal Glands: $5

Additional time: $15/30 min