Who We Are

At BentHill Dog Co. we believe in quality over quantity, within our care your dog will receive that individual personalized care that other facilities sometimes lack. I truly believe in making a deep relationship with each individual dog, finding out their likes and dislikes, discovering their favorite toys and activities, their favorite spot to get scratches...and most importantly, making them feel comfortable during their stay with us.

We do everything in our power to provide a place for pet and pet owner that feels like a second home for the dog and never worries the owner. We care about them like our own.

 Our Staff

  • I'm Bentley

    I've worked as a dog trainer professionally for almost 3 years now. Working with dogs and other animals has been my passion since I was little.

    I'm a lifelong dog lover who always dreamed of having a job where dogs are a part of my everyday life. My other experience with dogs and other animals include, working as a kennel tech within a doggy daycare center, working horse camps, growing up helping around the farm and now running a business of my own.

  • When I was little, my grandparents had a Great Pyrenees, Elsa, she was an amazing introduction to dogs! She showed us the compassion, unconditional love and constant empathy that makes dogs so easy to love. I wasn't able to have a dog of my own until I was an adult but now I make up for lost time by sharing 5 small dogs with my boyfriend. 

    I've worked for a city shelter and private business that offered boarding,  daycare and grooming. I love how the dogs are constantly thinking and making the work a new challenge every day. 

    I have a special place in my heart for senior and special needs dogs. Two of mine are seniors, one is deaf, the other senile and our youngest is blind. Honestly, I just find them amusing. My senile one will bark at nothing. He doesn't seem alarmed but I can't help but laugh at the random, unexpectedness of it. 

    I know how important my fur babies are to me so I know how important it is to feel comfortable about leaving your babies with us. I would love to answer all your questions and give you a tour of our facility, along with a free, day-long meet and greet for your pup.

Schedule A Meet N Greet